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with a clear explanation of how to gather that information in a way that is sensitive to the child.
with a clear explanation of how to gather that information in a way that is sensitive to the child.
with a clear explanation of how to gather that information in a way that is sensitive to the child.
14 to >13.0 pts
FairThe response vaguely and with some inaccuracy identifies and describes any risks to the child’s health. The response vaguely identifies and describes further information needed to gain a full understanding of the child’s health
with a vague explanation of how to gather that information in a way that is sensitive to the child.
13 to >0 pts
PoorThe response identifies inaccurately and/or is missing descriptions of any risks to the child’s health. The response identifies inaccurately and/or is missing descriptions of further information needed to gain a full understanding of the child’s health
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