D030 Leadership and Management in Complex Healthcare Systems
Service Plan Brief for Mental Health
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health impacts on how people think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how humans handle stress, relate with other people, and make healthy choices (Dunn, 2017). Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood as it determines the type of life people live. Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States. Nursing care plans, while created primarily for the nursing team, can also be used by interdisciplinary team members to promote cohesive and comprehensive holistic treatment of the patient (Johnson et al., 2021). If other team members are aware of the goals and interventions laid out in the nursing care plan, they can better work in conjunction with, rather than counteractive to, the nursing staff.
More than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime. One out of five Americans experience a mental illness in a given year. 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness (Kopelovich et al., 2021). 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression. Many people with mental health disorders also need care for other physical health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory illness, and disorders that affect muscles, bones, and joints (Falkov et al., 2020). The costs for treating people with both mental health disorders and other physical conditions are 2 times higher than for those without co-occurring illnesses. By combining medical and behavioral health care services, the United States could save $37.6 billion to $67.8 billion a year.
Nursing care plans are an important part of providing quality patient care (Pietras, & Wishon, 2021). They help to define the nurses’ role in the patient’s treatment, provide consistency of care and allow the nursing team to customize its interventions for each patient. Additionally, it promotes holistic treatment of the patient and helps define specific goals for the patient.
B. Market Analysis
Today, the healthcare industry is a vibrant sector due to increased mental education, Spending, and awareness. An improved socioeconomic landscape of mental health industry reveal that 61 million Americans have suffered mental disorder. The upward trend in the number of mental health problems particularly substance abuse, depression and anxiety are becoming common.
- SWOT Analysis
(Use the following table in your response to part C in the task requirements)
Strengths Weaknesses The service plan for mental health provide opportunities for people to improve their mental well-being. -Lack of effective guidance on efficacy and suitability -Social equity
-consistency of service
Service access to more people
Opportunities Threats Increased awareness and education on mental health
Anonymous care
Provision of affordable care
Usability issues
Acceptance issues
C.1 SWOT Analysis Results
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
Category Description of the Service Plan Costs The Organization Day Treatment Mental Health Facility
Operations Providing treatment and care to mental health patients The Client/Patient Substance abuse Victims The Staff Professional psychiatrists and general LPNs Technology Screening tools, Electronic health records, and diagnostic and testing tools
Category Description of Service Plan Benefits The Organization Mental health facility Operations Psychiatric patients traditionally have been cared for in long-stay?mental health facilities, formerly called asylums or mental hospitals. Today the majority of large general hospitals have a psychiatric unit, and many individuals are able to maintain lives as regular members of the?community (Settipani et al., 2019). There are still facilities that specialize in the?treatment?of?mental illness.
The hospital stay of many persons with chronic mental illness has been shortened by modern medication and better understanding on the part of the public. Patients are encouraged to participate in facility-based activities and programs (Wang et al., 2020). They may be encouraged to return to the community, beginning with trial visits at home, or they may be placed in assisted-living or group homes. Every effort is now made, through the use of appropriate medication and support services, to have the patient?integrated?into the community
The Client/Patient Substance abuse victim The Staff Nurses, counsellors, social workers, and psychiatrists Technology ?There are currently over one thousand mobile apps devoted to mental health, with many focused on anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Mental health apps allow people who are hesitant?to seek face-to-face services find help, often anonymously (Clark et al., 2018). Mobile apps also allow doctors and mental health professionals to monitor progress and treatment adherence. Although these apps have great potential, there is very little regulation of mental health apps or research on their effectiveness (Lo et al., 2021). However, they can often be a good first step for those who have avoided mental health care in the past
- Risk Assessment and Strategies
Risks Overall Results and Strategies for Minimizing the Risks - A history of mental illness in a blood relative, such as a parent or sibling
- Stressful life situations, such as financial problems, a loved one’s death or a divorce
- An ongoing (chronic) medical condition, such as diabetes
- Brain damage as a result of a serious injury (traumatic brain injury), such as a violent blow to the head
- Traumatic experiences, such as military combat or assault
- Use of alcohol or recreational drugs
Treatment includes counselling or medication, including antidepressants.
Lifestyle drug
Avoid alcohol, Reduce caffeine intake, Physical exercise, Quitting smoking, Relaxation technique, Stress management and Healthy diet
Cognitive behavioral therapy, Meditation and Psychotherapy
- Financial Projections
Medicaid and Medicare, private payers
- Operational Expense Budget
$ 200,000
Category Description and Cost ($) of Each Type of Expense Personnel Expenses Wages 70,000 USD
Staff transport 6,000
Other-than-Personnel (OTP) Expenses Food, equipment and supplies, 30,000
H1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Service Plan KPIs Measurement and Frequency Structure: psychological well-being Level of stress anxiety and depression measured every month Process: frequent monitoring Frequent screening of patients Outcome: observable changes Recording changes to track progress
H 3. Future Decisions
H 4. Improvement Strategies
Holistic treatment is a fast-growing segment of mental health treatment that offers natural options for those wondering how to treat mental illness without medication (Bradley, &Becker, 2021). Most holistic activities borrow from time-honored Eastern medical practices that help promote relaxation. When stress is regulated through these holistic therapies, many will find their symptoms diminished in severity.?Holistic treatments?for mental illness include:
- Meditation.
- Yoga
- Fitness and nutrition.
- Acupuncture.
- Massage therapy.
I .Tasks and Timelines
Task Task Owner Title Timeline Education on physical fitness
Education on nutrition
Wellness coach
2 months
3 months
5 months
2 months
Executive Summary
Nurses cannot make medical diagnoses–only physicians are legally allowed to do that. However, oftentimes physicians tend to neglect the social, emotional, or other physical needs of the patient that are not directly related to the medical diagnosis. Nurses are the first line of defense here and usually see the things that doctors do not pick up. That is where the nursing diagnosis comes into play, and why a nursing care plan is developed. The nursing care plan helps to identify the unique role that nurses have in caring for the overall health and well-being of their patients and allows them to adequately address their patients’ needs without having to rely solely on a doctor’s orders or interventions.
The nursing care plan also helps to customize treatment, so it is specific to the individual’s needs and goals. Each patient is different, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply will not work. The nursing care plan requires the nurse to think critically about each patient and to develop interventions that are directly tailored to the individual, which ultimately increases the effectiveness of treatment.
- Bradley, W. J., & Becker, K. D. (2021). Clinical supervision of mental health services: a systematic review of supervision characteristics and practices associated with formative and restorative outcomes.?The Clinical Supervisor,?40(1), 88-111.
- Clark, D. M., Canvin, L., Green, J., Layard, R., Pilling, S., & Janecka, M. (2018). Transparency about the outcomes of mental health services (IAPT approach): an analysis of public data.?The Lancet,?391(10121), 679-686.
- Dunn, V. (2017). Young people, mental health practitioners and researchers co-produce a Transition Preparation Programme to improve outcomes and experience for young people leaving Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).?BMC health services research,?17(1), 1-12.
- Falkov, A., Grant, A., Hoadley, B., Donaghy, M., & Weimand, B. M. (2020). The Family Model: A brief intervention for clinicians in adult mental health services working with parents experiencing mental health problems.
- Johnson, S., Dalton-Locke, C., San Juan, N. V., Foye, U., Oram, S., Papamichail, A., … & Simpson, A. (2021). Impact on mental health care and on mental health service users of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods survey of UK mental health care staff.?Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology,?56(1), 25-37.
- Kopelovich, S. L., Monroe-DeVita, M., Buck, B. E., Brenner, C., Moser, L., Jarskog, L. F., … & Chwastiak, L. A. (2021). Community mental health care delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic: practical strategies for improving care for people with serious mental illness.?Community Mental Health Journal,?57(3), 405-415.