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Home >> Essays >> Other >> World War I profoundly reshaped social structures and gender roles, particularly in Europe and the United States. As millions of men were called to serve in the war, women joined the workforce and too

World War I profoundly reshaped social structures and gender roles, particularly in Europe and the United States. As millions of men were called to serve in the war, women joined the workforce and too ...

World War I profoundly reshaped social structures and gender roles, particularly in Europe and the United States. As millions of men were called to serve in the war, women joined the workforce and took up jobs that earlier were considered to be below the dignity of the fair sex. For example, in Britain, Women served as factory workers, nurses and typists, while in the United States, women helped in steel making and farming (BBC, 2018). It also ensured that wartime economies could run and simultaneously changed the perception of women's potential.
The war opened new avenues for social mobility. Working-

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Level:AS and A Level