Stages in the Counseling Process ($1)
The first encounter with a client before any counselling session starts is of great importance. The first meeting sets the style and tone for th ...
Stages in the Counseling Process ($1)
The first encounter with a client before any counselling session starts is of great importance. The first meeting sets the style and tone for the kind of interaction which will follow between the counsellor and the client. The counsellor should first and foremost establish a rapport with the client. Thereafter, the sessions will have to be conducted in line with the following stages:
Building a relationship
Responding or defining a problem
Establishing goals
Terminating counseling
Building a Relationship
To establish a report in counseling means opening up a good working relationship between the counselor and the counselee. It is important for the counsellor and the client to understand that they are entering into a professional relationship which is different from a social one, although personal issues will be discussed and feelings may be aroused in both of them. The counsellor should initiate rapport by:
Being friendly and creating a friendly atmosphere
Being welcoming by making a client feel at home
Being open by introducing yourself, that is stating one's name and the basics of one's background.
being respectful, that is treating the client with respect as a human being
knowing the client's name and background
accepting the client as he or she is being appropriately dressed
being honest and showing a measure of trust and reliability
Conducting oneself with a measure of confidence assuring the client of confidentiality.
Attending to and building a relationship requires a counsellor to consider the following factors that are key in any counselling process:
Counselling room.
General observations.
Counselling room
One of the major goals of counselling is to help the individual understand himself or herself better through self-exploration'. The atmosphere created during the session must be one in which the counsellee feels free to talk about the most sensitive issues, even some of which he or she may not be initially aware of. Counselling is preferably done in a room and in a quiet place where the counsellor and the client cart talk in confidence. The counsellor should show the client a seat and help him or her to feel safe. The counsellor seats in a position favorable to help observe die client's body language.
Ideally a counselling room should have the following items of features:
Be sound proof and capable of holding two comfortable chairs, which should be placed at reasonable distance apart, be of equal height and possibly separated by a small table.
Have natural light and appropriate temperatures (neither too hot nor too cold).
The door of the room should have a sign indicating whether the counselling session is taking place or not, to avoid interruption.
A clock for the counsellor to maintain time boundaries.
Other items such as a filing cabinet, a small desk for writing notes and toiletries, especially hand tissues for
Document Details
Word Count: | 3091 |
Page Count: | 7 |
Level: | AS and A Level |
Subject: | Essay |