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23/06/2021	Take T est: Final Exam – Summer 2021 - Managerial ...	

23/06/2021 Take T est: Final Exam – Summer 2021 - Managerial ... 1/16

23/06/2021 Take T est: Final Exam – Summer 2021 - Managerial ... 1/16 Ta ke T e st: Fin al E xa m Su m mer 2021 - M an ageria l Eco n om ics ( B A D M -5 35-A 01) - F irs t B i-Term C on te n t W eek 8 T a ke T e st: F in al E xa m Te st I n fo rm atio n Descr ipt io n In str u ct io n s M ult ipl e A tte mpt s Not a llo w ed. Th is t e st ca n o n ly be t a ke n o n ce . Fo rce C ompl etio n Th is...


1.Under the non	-strategic view of bargaining, the terms of agreeme	nt are determined by	 	

1.Under the non -strategic view of bargaining, the terms of agreeme nt are determined by a. Your opponent’s eagerness to reach agreement

1.Under the non -strategic view of bargaining, the terms of agreeme nt are determined by a. Your opponent’s eagerness to reach agreement b. Your outside options c. Your opponents gain from agreement d. All of the above 2. Use the following case from questions 39 -44 A shoplifter and a security guard are playing a simultaneous game. If the shoplifter steals and the security guard is vigilant, the shoplifter gets caught she suffers a loss of ...


Question 1 
1. A Prisoners Dilemma illustrates the fact that
Rational choices can lead to ineff

Question 1  1. A Prisoners Dilemma illustrates the fact that a. Rational choices can lead to inefficient outcomes b. Rational choices always leads t

Question 1  1. A Prisoners Dilemma illustrates the fact that a. Rational choices can lead to inefficient outcomes b. Rational choices always leads to good outcomes c. Rational choices always lead to inefficient outcomes d. None of the above 2 points      Question 2  1. First-mover advantage is a characteristic of a. A simultaneous-move game b. A dominant strategy c. A sequential-move game d. All of the above 2 points      Question 3  1. Game theory assumes that players in the game ...


? Question 1
1 out of 1 points
Use the following case from questions 32-35
Two street racers are pla

? Question 1 1 out of 1 points Use the following case from questions 32-35 Two street racers are playing a simultaneous game of chicken. They have to

? Question 1 1 out of 1 points Use the following case from questions 32-35 Two street racers are playing a simultaneous game of chicken. They have to race towards each other and whoever swerves first is chicken and faces shame, a loss of 8, while the winner enjoys a gain of 3. If neither stop, they would crash into each other, a loss of 10. If both of them swerve at the same time, they are both chicken and face a loss of 5 each What would the B’s best response be if player A does not stop? ...


1. A risk averse individual
a.   values a lottery at mor

Chapter_19_The_Problem_of_Adverse_Selection 1. A risk averse individual a. values a lottery at more than its expected value b. values a lottery at

Chapter_19_The_Problem_of_Adverse_Selection 1. A risk averse individual a. values a lottery at more than its expected value b. values a lottery at exactly its expected value c. values a lottery at less than its expected value d. tends to play lots of lotteries ANSWER: c TOPICS: Section 1: Insurance and Risk 2. An individual who is a risk lover a. values a lottery at more than its expected value b. values a lottery at exactly its expected value c. values a lottery at less ...


1.   When interest rates go up, people are
a.   More likely to borrow
b.   Less likely to borrow

1. When interest rates go up, people are a. More likely to borrow b. Less likely to borrow c. Does not affect a person’s consumption

1. When interest rates go up, people are a. More likely to borrow b. Less likely to borrow c. Does not affect a person’s consumption d. None of the above ANSWER: b TOPICS: Section 1: The Market for Foreign Exchange 2. When interest rates fall, people are a. More likely to borrow b. Less likely to borrow c. Not likely to change borrowing patterns d. None of the above ANSWER: a TOPICS: Section 1: The Market for Foreign Exchange 3. Holding oth...


Question 1 
1 out of 1 points
In a principal-agent relationship
Selected Answer:
the principal wan

Question 1 1 out of 1 points In a principal-agent relationship Selected Answer: the principal wants the agent to act on her own behalf Answers: th

Question 1 1 out of 1 points In a principal-agent relationship Selected Answer: the principal wants the agent to act on her own behalf Answers: the principal wants the agent to act on her own behalf the agent wants the principal to act on his behalf the principal wants the agent to act on the behalf of others the agent wants the principal to act on the behalf of others Question 2 1 out of 1 points A potential problem arises in principal-agent relationships Selected Answer: because the a...


A division of a firm is
a logical sub-organization of the firm
a level within t

CHAPTER 22 1) A division of a firm is a) a logical sub-organization of the firm b) a level within the firm in which a large degree of autonomy is ves

CHAPTER 22 1) A division of a firm is a) a logical sub-organization of the firm b) a level within the firm in which a large degree of autonomy is vested c) a level of hierarchy within a firm that defines the scope of a manager d) all of the above ANS: A 2) An example of organizational architecture based on the different functions of a firm is when divisions are defined as a) R&D, Engineering, Production, Marketing, Sales b) Component 1 Plant, Component 2 Plant, Component 3 Plant, Final Assemb...


Ch. 13
1.   Which of the following is an example of price discrimination?
  a.   Seniors paying a lo

Ch. 13 1. Which of the following is an example of price discrimination? a. Seniors paying a lower price for tickets at movie theatres b. Stu

Ch. 13 1. Which of the following is an example of price discrimination? a. Seniors paying a lower price for tickets at movie theatres b. Students paying discounted rates on travel c. Tourists paying higher prices on local attractions than locals d. All of the above ANSWER: d 2. The practice of buying a firm’s good in one market at a low price and selling it in another market for a higher price in order to profit from the price difference is known as a. Predatory ...


This study source was downloaded by 100000809576529 from on 05-21-2024 00:56:48 GMT -

This study source was downloaded by 100000809576529 from on 05-21-2024 00:56:48 GMT -05:00

This study source was downloaded by 100000809576529 from on 05-21-2024 00:56:48 GMT -05:00 [1] Which of the following markets are closest to perfectly competitive [A] The market for smart phones [B] The market for generic pharmaceuticals [C] The market for sport shoes [2] A firm in a ______________ faces a __________ demand curve. [A] perfectly competitive market; perfectly inelastic [B] perfectly c...

