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Discussion Post Students Name Institution Affiliation Discussion Post Hypoventilation and hyperventilation are two different breathing patterns, with some critical physiologic consequences for b ...

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Hypoventilation and hyperventilation are two different breathing patterns, with some critical physiologic consequences for both. Hyperventilation is breathing rapidly and deeply, causing the excessive exhalation of carbon dioxide (CO?) from the body. This can decrease blood levels of CO?, which elevates blood pH, also known as respiratory alkalosis. In contrast, hypoventilation is shallow or slow breathing that results in inadequate expulsion of CO?. This raises the levels of CO?, which decreases blood pH and creates respiratory acidosis (Palmer & Clegg, 2023). Even though both conditions negatively affect acid-base balance in the body, they do it oppositely, and proper respiration is an essential component of homeostasis.
Hyperventilation, for example, is associated with panic attacks, in which the shallow breathing rate can result in dizziness, tingling of the hands and feet, and even fainting (ANDAR?ANA et al., 2020). The opposite disorder, hypoventilation, is known to characteri

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Word Count: 447
Page Count: 4
Level:AS and A Level