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Home >> Essays >> Essay >> Definition of Guidance and Counseling ($1) Introduction This article defines the meaning of guidance and counseling and describes the similarities and differences between guidance and counseling.

Definition of Guidance and Counseling ($1) Introduction This article defines the meaning of guidance and counseling and describes the similarities and differences between guidance and counseling. ...

Definition of Guidance and Counseling ($1)
This article defines the meaning of guidance and counseling and describes the similarities and differences between guidance and counseling. Also, the article explain the Importance of guidance and counseling
Different scholars have defined the term 'guidance' in different ways. Guidance is a process of helping an individual to understand himself or herself and his or her world. It is a progressive and continuous on-going intended to help an individual appreciate and accept the world around him or her, make appropriate decisions and be able to cope with day-to-day challenges of life.
Guidance can also be defined as a process, developmental in nature, by which an individual is assisted to understand, accept and utilize his or her aptitudes, (natural ability or skill) interests and attitudinal patterns in relation to his or her aspirations. It is designed to help the individual adjust to the environment and set realistic goals.
From an educational perspective, guidance is a continuing process concerned with determining and providing for the developmental needs of learners.
Counseling can be defined as a process that involves listening to people talk about their problems and helping them find out how to deal with problems. In the process, the counsellor guides the counselee to make alternative choices to cope with or overcome the problem.
Counseling is a specialized human relationship designed to facilitate positive changes in the client's cognitions (beliefs, attitudes, values, concepts, perspectives, feelings and actions).
A counsellor is an advisor to another person called a counselee or client. He or she gives advice and support to someone experiencing difficulties or problems in life.
A counselee is a person who gets help and advice from a counsellor. A counselee may realize he or she has a problem and seeks help from a counsellor or a counsellor may identify a problem in a person who then becomes a counselee once the counseling process starts.
The Similarities and Differences between Guidance and Counseling
Guidance and counseling have played at important, role in the human life for many years. The main aim of guidance and counselling is to improve on people's knowledge, skills and attitudes about themselves and others. In addition, the knowledge and skills acquired enable the learner understand and develop coping mechanism so as to face challenges in life. The knowledge and skills acquired also broaden the understanding of teachers and caregivers on how to handle young children placed under their care.
Counseling is the skilled and principled use of relationships which develop self-knowledge, emotional acceptance, growth and personal resources. It makes use of words, effects

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Word Count: 1274
Page Count: 3
Level:AS and A Level